The BackCast Podcast is a seasonal production of the Lovells Township Historical Society - home to Michigan’s only trout fishing history museum. If you like Michigan rivers, trout fishing with a fly, maybe chasing birds in the woods, or just like hearing a good story; please join us. LTHS is a 501c3 non-profit organization. If you enjoy the podcast and would like to support us; please visit www.LTHSMuseums.org Tell your friends – we love downloads and likes!

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
The BackCast Podcast episode 70 with Hunter Eurich and Logan Clark
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
This week, Richard and I are joined by Hunter Eurich and Logan Clark. These young men are spending their summer working with Richard at the North Branch Outing Club. More importantly, they are doing some great river work. Logan is assisting with the trout telemetry study in conjunction with Mark Luttenton and Hunter is working with Steve Sendek to restore and create river habitat on our beloved North Branch. I think you’ll find both of these young men to be engaging and entertaining.

Sunday Jul 09, 2023
The BackCast Podcast episode 69 with Brett Baer and Richard Perry
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
Sunday Jul 09, 2023
As we head into our brief summer break (we’ll be back in early August) we’re joined by Brett Baer. Brett is a Michigan native who now divides his time between Texas and California. His primary business is construction, property management, and staging high properties to optimize marketability and revenue. He is also the new owner of the North Branch Outing Club and joins us on the Podcast to talk about this Historical Venue and his plans for the Lodges’ future. This is a great chance to hear what is going on with this beloved historic property.

Friday Jun 30, 2023
The BackCast Podcast episode 68 with guest Ron Barch
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
With Grayrock just concluding; it seemed appropriate to sit down with one of the rod makers. This week, we’re joined by Ron Barch. Ron is the former editor/publisher of The Planing Form, an international newsletter for split bamboo rod enthusiasts. Ron also conducts rod making schools and seminars and has successfully instructed dozens of anglers and craftsmen in the art of split cane rod making.
He was instrumental in establishing the first Rod Makers School at the Catskills Fly Fishing Center in Livingston Manor, New York. His list of credits include: skilled woodworker, rod maker, angler, author, publisher, and dedicated environmentalist.
Ron and his wife, Carole, live in Hastings, MI. When he is not in the shop or at his desk, he chases trout and grouse and sometimes his grand kids. You may also check out Ron’s website at aldercreekangling.com

Friday Jun 23, 2023
The BackCast Podcast episode 67 with guest Vanessa Perry
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
We have a special guest this week. Vanessa Perry (Richard’s daughter) is a glowing example of a successful woman in fly fishing and conservation. She has a plethora of experience with both the Ohio and Minnesota DNR, the EPA, the National Park Service, the Peace Corps and a slew of others. As icing on the cake, she is also a classically trained concert cellist. Vanessa is a fantastic ypoung woman and we are really happy to share this conversation with you!

Saturday Jun 17, 2023
The BackCast Podcast episode 66 with guest Steve Johnson
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
After an unplanned week off; Richard and I are back and have a neat guest for you. Our fellow board member and unsung hero of the Au Sable, Steve Johnson, sits down with us this week. Steve’s family has been in the Lovells area for a very long time. Steve shares insights into his childhood and formative years as well as his adult experiences. Steve has seen a lot and done a lot. We hope you enjoy this conversation.

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
The BackCast Podcast episode 65 with special guest Dr. Ben Jones of RGS
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
This week, Richard and I are joined by special guest Dr. Ben Jones. Ben is President and CEO of the Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society. RGS & AWS unites conservationists to improve wildlife habitat and forest health for ALL forest wildlife. We promote forest stewardship for our forests, our wildlife and our future. We envision landscapes of diverse, functioning forest ecosystems that provide homes for wildlife and opportunities for people to experience them. Ruffed grouse and American woodcock are bellwethers of forest condition - they can only persist in healthy, diverse forests. These same forests clean the air, filter water, and support local communities.
Working forests work for wildlife!
RGS/AWS website: https://ruffedgrousesociety.org
RGS Migration Mapping: https://ruffedgrousesociety.org/migration-map/

Thursday May 25, 2023
The BackCast Podcast episode 64 with guest Tim Scott of Tie-a-Thon
Thursday May 25, 2023
Thursday May 25, 2023
This week, Richard & I sit down with Tim Scott. Tim and Terry Wittorp are the co-founders of the Tie-a-thon program which has gently nudged fly tyers from all over the world to donate over 200,000 flies, and counting, to various good causes over the past 16 years.
They have a very simple mission: “To provide quality flies tied by volunteers to non-profit groups and organizations that use fly fishing for therapy or education.” And, they have done a heck of a job getting results. Check out these numbers…
- 16 years of donating
- 6 non-profit recipients
- $661,200 in flies donated
- Donations from American Samoa, 5 provinces of Canada, New Zealand, Australia and Scotland.
- Donations from all 50 states
- 55 tyers have donated over 1,000 flies
Tim is a great person and a heck of a lot of fun to chat with. We hope you’ll enjoy this episode!
You may learn more about Tim and the Tie-A-Thon by visiting their website https://www.tieathon.org or check them out on Instagram!

Thursday May 18, 2023
The BackCast Podcast episode 63 with Rod Maker Jeff Wagner
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
Welcome back. With Rodmakers at Grayrock in the not too distance future Richard and I are joined this week by rod maker Jeff Wagner. Rod Maker is applied to a wide swath of craftsmen; Jeff is definitely in the elite portion of this distinction. His work is magnificent and can be viewed on his website. We had a very enjoyable chat with Jeff and hope you enjoy listening to him.

Friday May 12, 2023
The BackCast Podcast episode 62 with guests Mitch Salhaney and Don Boyd
Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
This week John & Richard are joined by Mitch Salhaney and Don Boyd of the Grayling Fish Hatchery. There are a lot of very cool things happening at the Hatchery, including some breaking news. We definitely feel you’ll want to hear what is going on. Mitch and Don have a strong passion for this project and we’re happy to share that with you.
If you’re in the area; please consider including a visit to the hatchery in your plans. You may find out more on their website or on their Facebook page.

Thursday May 04, 2023
The BackCast Podcast episode 61 with guest Jim Schottenham
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Our guest this week is Jim Schottenham. Jim is the curator of the American Museum of Fly Fishing. Jim also has a passion for early American reels. He can often be found hosting his own podcast (Reel Talk) through the American Museum of Fly Fishing. As past president of the Old Reel Collectors Association and former reel expert for Lang’s Tackle Auction, Jim has spent decades collecting, studying, and writing about antique reels for numerous publications.
AMFF Site: https://www.amff.org
Jim’s contact: JSchottenham@amff.org